Saturday, March 24, 2012

So...I guess this is the beginning. I honestly don't even know what the point of me creating this is. I think I did this as a release, as a way to express myself and get everything out where it can be seen, as if I'm getting everything out in my own way. There's been so much going through my head lately, college is stressing me out with grades and such. There is just so much to do and always so little time, procrastination is a disease that has infected me ever since I was able to walk.

I'm also having all strange kinds of conflicted emotions lately. For the past week, while I've been going to bed, I've been depressed and saddened when I wake up and look over to see that there is no one else there. I'm not sure why but waking up alone has just been a terrible feeling lately, though to me it's nothing new. I'm used to waking up alone so this shouldn't bother me, but it does. I've been hearing constantly about people from my past and the pain just won't go away. I don't want to say that I'm at the point of depression but I do have a longing for companionship and a void created by loneliness, I am willing to admit that much.

A funny thing recently happened, I was on that website, and I was just asking pointless and stupid questions. A question I decided to ask, out of complete spite, was "Do I deserve to be happy?" Haha ironically enough, the response I received was no.

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