Friday, April 13, 2012

Yeah, I want it bad

No I'm not advertising porn or anything -__- that's honestly the video thumbnail. But it's a good video, it's pretty deep.Hope you enjoy it/

Cause I want it bad

So today I'm going home just to spend some time with my parents. Haven't seen em in awhile so it'll be nice to do ya know? Haha I'm a sucker for family :P So I heard a song called Bad by The Cab and I can't stop listening to it. The lyrics go like this...

It feels just like it was yesterday
We were in love, why's it falling apart
I've never been one to walk away
But I've had enough and it's breaking my heart

Cause you love me just the way that you should
It's nothing that you do, no it's nothing you say
Yeah baby, I know that you're good
But I don't want a good girl no, not today

Cause I want it bad, I want a bad girl, baby, bad
I want a love that's crazy, yeah
I want a bad girl, baby, bad, I want it bad

Eh since you've probably been reading other parts of this you're aware that I'm obviously a hopeless romantic and a sappy kinda guy. Oh well. I mean the song is kinda sad but I really enjoy it,  it's catchy and upbeat.

Schoolwise, getting closer to the end of the year, hopefully everything works out for the best, Wish me luck.


Thursday, April 12, 2012


Scheduling today, I'm just sooooo excited. *sarcasm noted* Getting my classes ready for my first official semester as an english major and I have to admit that I'm excited. Writing classes are something that I'm good at so this should be a decently easy semester.
Plus 3 words make it all the better; No.More.Math!

Thank.God. I really have a dislike for math, no offense to any of you number junkies, it is just def not my forte.

Well...I need to either find my pin number for registering or ask that advisor guy again...I really don't feel like talking to him since I'm getting a new advisor but eh...I guess I'll just suck it up.


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

You and All You Are©

Eyes like the shining moon
Beauty beyond all compare

They glitter just as stars in the night sky
They make me feel as if I lie upon air

Then your smile, warm like the sun
You, the Epidemy of a beautiful being

Through your lips comes a beauty symphony
One Word
Two Words
Your voice a truly truly stunning thing

There are many who have countless desires
But all that I desire, all I you
I ask you this one question
Will you make my desire come true?

~ A G.J.H. Original ©

Friday, April 6, 2012

Love and Lost

So lately for some reason I've been craving a significant other. I've been listening to love songs constantly, can't get the thought of 'waking up with someone in my arms' out of my head. I swear everywhere I look I see people happily tgether and it just makes me want it too badly....I long to be loved and cared for...I mean hopefully it'll pass, I can admit that I'm lonely, it's just hard because when I try to climb out of my pit of loneliness it just seems I just get pushed down further than I was at before.

~What would you dooo if I told you I lu lu lu lu loved you?~

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Another day

Today is just another day in my life....almost lost the key to my dorm room, surprise surprise. I was also barely able to breathe for most of my morning because of allergies. Lately my days have been like this. Well...only a month left in this semester but then that means I seriously need to hardcore step my game up....I've been doing decent so far but not as good as I could be.

Most likely I'm going to write on this more, helps me vent and express my life. Also, thinking about putting one of my short stories up for sale on kindle....we'll see, wish me luck.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


So today I just got  an email from my College Algebra class. I'm barely passing it seems and to get a C I need to get atleast a 72% on all the remaining work. To be honest that shouldn't be too hard but it's still depressing whenever you get a message like that. I know that math isn't a major factor in my major but getting low grades in a class is always bad.... *sigh*

*This is my story as an english major*

Saturday, March 24, 2012

"Slow Dancing In A Burning Room" By John Mayer

It's not a silly little moment,
It's not the storm before the calm.
This is the deep and dying breath of
This love that we've been working on.

Can't seem to hold you like I want to
So I can feel you in my arms.
Nobody's gonna come and save you,
We pulled too many false alarms.

We're going down,
And you can see it too.
We're going down,
And you know that we're doomed.
My dear,
We're slow dancing in a burning room.

I was the one you always dreamed of,
You were the one I tried to draw.
How dare you say it's nothing to me?
Baby, you're the only light I ever saw.

I'll make the most of all the sadness,
You'll be a bitch because you can.
You try to hit me just to hurt me
So you leave me feeling dirty
Because you can't understand.

We're going down,
And you can see it too.
We're going down,
And you know that we're doomed.
My dear,
We're slow dancing in a burning room.

Go cry about it - why don't you?
Go cry about it - why don't you?
Go cry about it - why don't you?

My dear, we're slow dancing in a burning room,
Burning room,
Burning room,
Burning room,
Burning room.

Don't you think we oughta know by now?
Don't you think we shoulda learned somehow?
Don't you think we oughta know by now?
Don't you think we shoulda learned somehow?
Don't you think we oughta know by now?
Don't you think we shoulda learned somehow?
Don't you think we shoulda learned somehow?
Don't you think we shoulda learned somehow?
Don't you think we shoulda learned somehow?
Don't you think we shoulda learned somehow?
So...I guess this is the beginning. I honestly don't even know what the point of me creating this is. I think I did this as a release, as a way to express myself and get everything out where it can be seen, as if I'm getting everything out in my own way. There's been so much going through my head lately, college is stressing me out with grades and such. There is just so much to do and always so little time, procrastination is a disease that has infected me ever since I was able to walk.

I'm also having all strange kinds of conflicted emotions lately. For the past week, while I've been going to bed, I've been depressed and saddened when I wake up and look over to see that there is no one else there. I'm not sure why but waking up alone has just been a terrible feeling lately, though to me it's nothing new. I'm used to waking up alone so this shouldn't bother me, but it does. I've been hearing constantly about people from my past and the pain just won't go away. I don't want to say that I'm at the point of depression but I do have a longing for companionship and a void created by loneliness, I am willing to admit that much.

A funny thing recently happened, I was on that website, and I was just asking pointless and stupid questions. A question I decided to ask, out of complete spite, was "Do I deserve to be happy?" Haha ironically enough, the response I received was no.